
Make your own plot

Our current adventurers

Volgob Gruntsson

On 4714-10-25, in the shadow of ancient ruins, Volgob, a Chelaxian Ranger, uncovered a truth so powerful it threatened to unravel the very fabric of existence. Fate's loom weaves a tale of 4715-02-22, where destiny's crossroads shall meet. Volgob Gruntsson is whispered in prophecies to stride across 3 levels more. A crypt's false treasure lures the greedy, only to find their company among the restless Undead.

IRL: Started at 2023-12-11; 204 days ago. 2024-05-27 is the statistical last day. Killed by Aberration, Naga or Undead, at level 6.83. This is based on the average of all adventurers with the same class or player.

Albillus Clinus

On 4714-10-25, whispers of Albillus's arrival, the Human Alchemist, stirred the ancient guardians from their slumber, heralding the dawn of a new era. Legend has it that the final day approaches, marked on the calendar as 4715-02-21. Albillus Clinus has a bright future ahead, promising 3 more levels of adventure. Beware the serpentine allure of a Naga, for its constricting grasp foresees a breathless doom.

IRL: Started at 2023-12-11; 204 days ago. 2024-05-21 is the statistical last day. Killed by Naga, Undead or Elemental, at level 6.43. This is based on the average of all adventurers with the same class or player.

Lorian Stormsong

The legend of Lorian, a Stryg Fighter, was born on 4714-10-25, from the ashes of a world consumed by darkness, a light fierce enough to challenge the night. On 4715-01-31, the scales of destiny will tip, marking a new chapter in the annals of time. Lorian Stormsong is on a path of glory, with 2 levels yet to be explored. A crypt's false treasure lures the greedy, only to find their company among the restless Undead.

IRL: Started at 2023-12-11; 204 days ago. 2024-04-25 is the statistical last day. Killed by Undead, at level 5.62. This is based on the average of all adventurers with the same class or player.


Raised in a small, nurturing town, he was a Dhampir, an anomaly born to human parents. His early life was steeped in poetry and music, thanks to his poet father, despite the dark rumor that his birth caused his mother's death. After undead hordes destroyed his town, he alone survived, clinging to his mother's ocarina and spellbook, symbols of his lost family and heritage.
He toughened up, distancing himself from his artistic roots, yet never parted with the ocarina. His quest for understanding and vengeance for his village's destruction led him through various religious experiences and back to Varisia. In Magnimar, he survived on music and odd jobs, eventually joining the navy during a war, where his bravery and quick thinking rose him to a command position.
Despite the hardships, his courage and curiosity never waned, leading him to bare-knuckle boxing and a significant friendship with Malagar. His Dhampir nature compelled him to seek non-traditional ways to quench his thirst, finding release in the raw physicality of boxing.
Haunted by dreams that spoke of a world corrupt and indebted, he dedicated himself to battling evil, upholding justice, and promoting the common good, aiming to free himself and others from the moral debt they were born into.